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Alyson’s wesbite (alysoncvn)

When should you use Git for a project?

One benefit of using git is that you are able to undo mistakes by going back to
a previous version of a file. Git is also very useful when collaborating on a
project with other people as you can all work on the file at the same time and
it is easy to consolidate your work.

What kind of files/info should be saved in a Git repository? What types of files/info should not be included in a Git repository?

Large data files can be saved in a Git repository. However, data that you do not
want others to see should not be saved.

What are the commands to undo a commit?

git revert [commitID]

One of your repositories is in a “detached HEAD” state. How do you fix this?

git checkout master

Your boss has no idea what Git is or why you are using it. Explain the pros / cons of using Git for your research project. Explain the pros / cons of hosting your project in a public (or private) repository on Github/Bitbucket/Gitlab/etc.

Pros of Git
* you can revert back to previous versions of work
Cons of Git
* takes a long time to learn
Pros of using a public repository
* easy collaboration with colleagues
* store large datasets online
Cons of using a public repository
* repository is public and accessible to everyone